Sunday 11 September 2011

about rr in spainish

After almost 3 months of practice, I can finally pronounce the "rr" in Spanish. However, it is still very hard to put it in the word, let along in the sentence. For me, the vibration of tongue is not really controlled by my mind. It is almost like learning snap your finger, you just keep snapping it until you hear something.

I have no idea why I could not do it before, or why I can do it now neither. More interestingly, after the first several times of success, you just lose the ability of doing it wrong.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

A fresh start

This blog has set as a language study special field for myself. My initial motivation is simple: to push myself to learn Spanish. Nothing can be better than keeping everything in writing. After all, it will be the record I can not deny. Besides, writing log in English is another heavy task...which I've tried to avoid for so long. In the end, the most challenging part may be the  English writing other than any learning themselves, haha.

Anyway, I'll post everything about my language study, language-related thoughts here, including Spanish, English, Chinese, every dialect I speak. It could be really hard to read for other people, but I were really not meant to do so. If anything here is useful for any single one person out there (me guaranteed, LOL),  I'll be happy.